Friday is National Take Your Dog to Work Day!

Friday is National Take Your Dog to Work Day—will you be bringing your pooch to the office? 

Studies show that bringing a dog to work not only reduces stress but encourages collaboration (think of the water-cooler effect, but with more pet hair). We’re a dog-friendly space here at BEBHS: here are a few tips we’ve learned over the years on how to introduce your dog to the workplace for a day!

  • First and foremost, be sure you have permission from your manager and coworkers to bring your dog to work!
  • Make sure your pup wears a collar with ID tags on, and walk him/her into the office on leash.
  • Dog-proof your office before bringing your pooch in--tuck toxic office supplies away in drawers, remove any breakables, and empty the trash.
  • If your workspace is shared, clue your office-mates in on how to appropriately greet your pup. Hand them a treat or two in advance to offer your dog when they first meet!
  • Bring a water bowl, food, treats, and a dog bed or crate. Make sure you’ll have access to water to refill his/her bowl throughout the day. 

  • Build a few quick walks and potty breaks into your day. If you tend to lose track of time at the office, set a calendar reminder every two hours to take your dog outside. Fifteen minutes to connect with your dog will keep your dog comfortable and help you come back to work refreshed and refocused.
  • If you need to step out to a dog-free meeting, ask a colleague in advance to watch your dog while you’re away.
  • Have a backup plan ready in case Fido is uncomfortable in your work environment. Don’t just leave him or her in your car. Allow time to drive him/her home if necessary, or take over an empty conference room for the rest of the day.

With a little preparation, Take Your Dog to Work Day 2013 can be quite an enjoyable day for humans and pups alike! If you’re participating, comment and tell us what your plans are—we’d love to hear!

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