Going Home: Jax

Welcome to Woof Wednesday, where we're always happy to share stories from adopters who are charmed by the friends they found at Berkeley Humane. 

Today’s featured pup is lucky Jax, an adorable and energetic dog whose personality has blossomed under the loving care of his new owner, Allison Heffley. Allison shared Jax’s story with us on Facebook.

Take it away, Allison and Jax!

Jax was so shy and timid when we adopted him in September 2014. We thought for a while that maybe he just doesn't like toys, maybe he just isn't that playful. It took him a while, but now if he isn't running around with his toys, he is finding other creative ways to entertain himself (like chasing his tail). He has made so much progress since we first adopted him. He has been to basic obedience class and is pretty good with all his commands now (as long as there aren't any squirrels around.) We are so happy with him and we love everyone at Berkeley Humane !!

Allison also shared a video of Jax enthusiastically chasing his own tail. You can check it out on Facebook — it'll definitely elicit a giggle! 

Jax’s story is such a sweet one. Sometimes the best animals are a little too shy in the shelter to put their best foot (paw?) forward. We’re fortunate to work with caring staff and fosters who get to know our adoptable dogs and cats and might see the promise in a shyer pet. If you’re considering a shy animal during an adoption weekend, talk to our staff. They may have witnessed how the pet behaves in calmer situations. Perhaps they can even put you in touch with the animal’s foster for a conversation about its true personality.

Jax’s story also highlights how shy animals can benefit from a loving, patient home. We’re so pleased Jax found a place for his playful personality to shine.

Allison, we wish your family and Jax wish you a long and happy future together (without too many distracting squirrels)!


  1. A wonderful story. Makes me want a dog just like lucky Jax!

  2. A wonderful story. Makes me want a dog just like lucky Jax!
