After BEBHS: Mr. LeatherReno

I adopted Mr. LeatherReno (originally Kai) from BEBHS in July 2012. He was brought to the shelter when he was only a few weeks old. He was fed by bottle at the Kitten Nursery and once he could eat on his own I took him home for fostering. I never intended to adopt but I guess sometimes they pick you!

Reno with his 'sister' Fatty, also adopted from BEBHS
He’s now a little over a year old and happy, healthy, silly, playful and so so so affectionate. You may notice his legs look a little odd – he’s a Munchkin kitten meaning his legs are short and his body is long (kind of like a wiener dog) but that does not slow him down. He climbs on everything and runs around the room when he gets his zoomies. After playtime is over he snuggles into our laps and gives us kisses on our faces. He brings so much joy to my life every day I’m so glad that we were able to adopt him. Thank you BEBHS!

Tiny Legs!
Loves hanging out in the tub
He also helps pay the bills
Master Feather Killer
He even lets me dress him up!

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